Band Contact
GERMANY: Daniel Wall - - +49 17643876176
BENELUX: Rootstown Bookings - Kurt De Bont - - +32 495 53 53 08
Info for promoters and press
Including press text, riders and high resolution photo downloads, click below.
Our Partners in Crime
Old Salt is lost without the amazing and talented Young Partners in Art (YPIA). They are a driven crew of men with vision and talent who handle our stage, sound and various production needs. They've been with us since the beginning and now fast friends. Follow the button below to get to their webpage.
Jacob built Dan's violin. It is simply a work of art as is every violin and viola that gets built in his workshop. Every intrument goes through a process of maticulus craftsmanship from the wood dealer all the way to setup and the violin world should be directed to his site and amazing Atelier in Berlin, Germany. Follow the button below to his website and check him out on instagram to see for your self.